In 5 simple steps how to combat SAD when you’re working from home

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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a prevalent problem for many individuals during the bleak, dark winter months. Even if you don’t typically experience it, minor adjustments to your surroundings could aid you in navigating working from home as the seasons shift.

SAD is often influenced by the changing weather, and symptoms include a desire for carbohydrates, a longing for longer periods of sleep, a persistent lack of interest in daily activities, and irritable behavior.

1. Work closely to natural light

Having a well-lit home office can greatly benefit your mood, well-being, and productivity. If possible, position your workspace near a window to take advantage of natural light. When natural light isn’t available, an LED light can help to brighten up your workspace.

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Jason Peterkin, Director of 247 Blinds, emphasizes the importance of natural lighting in the home. He notes that the right window treatments can help to maximize natural light and open up your living space. Window treatments are also versatile, with options available for different materials and levels of light exposure.

2. Fill your space with plants

Enhance the ambiance of your living space with the addition of houseplants and vibrant flowers. As per a previous study, incorporating plants in your work area can substantially enhance your productivity throughout the day. If you’re searching for ideas to add some life to your home workspace, consider placing a few plants beside your laptop, on your desk, or on the windowsill.

Sophie Lewis, an interior designer, and the owner of Husoe Home, suggests selecting plants with abundant greenery and broad leaves for your home office area since they can regulate humidity levels and promote productivity. Scientific research indicates that viewing nature and greenery can help you clear your head and feel more relaxed.

Furthermore, it’s essential to remember that caring for plants presents an excellent opportunity to take care of your mental health as well. Spending time away from electronic devices and work-related stress is critical. It’s also gratifying to nurture a plant and witness its growth, which can boost your self-esteem.

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3. Opt for calming colours

Lucy Ackroyd, the Head of Design at Christy England, suggests that selecting light, natural colours is an excellent method to add a soothing touch to your interiors and promote a peaceful ambiance.

According to her, restful colours like dusky pink, light greens, and neutrals such as beige and grey can create a calming atmosphere while still maintaining a cosy vibe. Additionally, incorporating deeper shades of green, blue, and yellow can promote feelings of optimism, growth, and positivity by evoking images of outdoor greenery, the ocean, sunshine, and the natural world.


4. Implement a good sleep routine

With most of us spending more time at home than ever before, it’s crucial to take care of our sleeping patterns. A disrupted routine can cause a lack of energy and motivation during the working day.

Restless nights can have a significant impact on our overall health. If you’re finding it difficult to fall asleep, you may try using meditation apps like Calm or Headspace to aid you. Additionally, unwinding by reading a book can be helpful.

Dipti Tait, a sleep expert and hypnotherapist, emphasizes the importance of maintaining optimal sleep health for maintaining good mental health. Therefore, it’s essential to create a healthy sleeping environment.

While many people use their homes and bedrooms as a workspace these days, it’s important to keep your work completely separate from your bed. Introducing rugs, plants, or rearranging your furniture can create distinct “zones” for work and sleep.


5. Add calming scents

Certain oils and scents such as pine, cedarwood, and eucalyptus can enhance productivity levels. If you’re looking to spruce up your home study during the winter months, why not try using calming candles or diffusers? They are sure to boost your mood.

According to Nicola Elliott, the founder of Neom Organics, our homes have become much more than just living spaces, so it’s crucial to make them the most pleasant environment possible. Small changes, like using essential oils to create the right moods in different areas of your home, can have a significant impact. The appropriate scents and oils can help you stay productive, feel calm and happy, and take care of your well-being.

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